Sunday, January 31, 2010

Happy New Year!

Yes!!!!   It is the last day of January and… How many of you decided to lose some weight at the end of the year?  Others decided to make more money, move to a new place, buy a new car, change the hair color or style, etc.      How are you doing?   Did you start a DIET and already quit?  Did you decide to make more money and still looking for something to do?  So many resolutions.  The best way to make them happen is to write them down, read them and next to them, using a scale from 1 to 10, see how important it is to you.  Then.... just plan and go one step at a time.  But, go ahead and move towards your goal. Everything is possible.

Lets talk about Weight Management.  If you already gave up.... You are not alone. Many people decide to make so many changes before the beginning of the year that become overwhelmed with everything at once.  Good news for you, with a change of eating habits, you'll never be frustrated again about food.

Get ready!  Go ahead and let me know what has happened, what is your "weakness", ohhhh mine was bread!!!   I was addicted to it.  Never was satisfied and wanted bread as many times as possible.  Sounds familiar?

When it comes to finding an additional stream of income, I am glad I found mine.  February is around the corner, ask yourself this:  "What do I want?" go ahead and make a commitment with "yourself" and do it!  Success was and still is my only option.  Make it yours too.

Be back in February.  If one of your goals is to lose some weight.  Join us!   I will be sharing with you my progress with my weight management program and will be posting some pictures too. 

To your continued Health and Wealth,

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing your blog Maritza. Looking forward to reading your updates.
